Maryland’s Renewable Energy Portfolio Standard (RPS), enacted in May 2004 requires electricity suppliers in the state to procure a minimum portion of their electric retail sales by eligible renewable energy sources. The Clean Energy Jobs Act of 2019 increased and extended the requirement from 25% by 2020 to 50% by 2030.
Eligible technologies:
The renewable portfolio standard is divided into two tiers based on the electricity generation resource. Tier 1 renewables include solar, wind, biomass, anaerobic decomposition, geothermal, ocean, fuel cells powered through renewables, small hydro, poultry-litter incineration facilities, waste-to-energy facilities. Tier 2 renewables include hydroelectric power other than pump-storage generation.
Markets for VA Systems: MD and PA Tier-1
Tracking Registry: GATS
Energy Year: Jan – Dec
Eligible System Locations: MD