In June 2015, H.B. 40 was enacted, establishing a mandatory renewable portfolio standard – called the Renewable Energy Standard (RES) – for the first time in Vermont history. The state previously had a renewable energy goal, as part of the Sustainably Priced Energy Enterprise Development (SPEED) program.
Eligible Technologies
Eligible renewable technologies are defined as those that use “a technology that relies on a resource that is being consumed at a harvest rate at or below its natural regeneration rate”. The Public Service Board determined that methane and flammable gases from food waste, agricultural waste, or other organic materials, or from decay of sewage or landfill wastes; geothermal; hydroelectric; marine thermal or hydrokinetic; photovoltaic solar; concentrated solar power; and wind are eligible resources. Other technologies utilizing solid waste, apart from silvicultural waste, are explicitly ineligible.
Tracking Registry: NEPOOL-GIS